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    How to Remove the Built in Anti Reach in Nukkit

    How do I remove the built in Anti Reach in nukkit what class is it in and what line so I can remove it because when you are chasing someone and you are 3 blocks away you cant hit them
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    Vrysed submitted a new resource: EnderPearlCooldown - Can edit the delay you can use the ender pearl Read more about this resource...
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    EnderPearlCooldown - EnderPearlCooldown

    Can edit the delay you can use the ender pearl in the config.yml
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    Air Click sound

    How can I remove the the sound when you click on air and on entities its like a swoosh sound and its not client sided because on the Hive MC they removed it
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    Knockback fixer or knockback changer plugin

    I am making a knockback plugin to fix this and you can customize the knockback but its not finished
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    I have this line of code in my plugin damaged.attack(event.getDamage()); but it makes the damage 2x as much and if I do damaged.attack(event.getDamage() / 2); the knockback delay is in half what do I do?
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    [HELP]Nukkit 0.15.x or 0.15.4-0.15.10

    use Anyversion plugin
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    Vrysed submitted a new resource: AutoClearEntities - Clears all entities in a certain amount of time Read more about this resource...
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    Vrysed submitted a new resource: Pinger - Get your latency in miliseconds Read more about this resource...
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    Vrysed submitted a new resource: AutoSpawn - When you log in you automatically go to the spawn Read more about this resource...
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    Vrysed submitted a new resource: Core - Essential things you need for your server Read more about this resource...
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    AutoClearEntities 2018-11-28

    clears all the entities in a certain amount of time
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    Vrysed submitted a new resource: CombatLogger - A plugin that disables certain commands for a certain amount of time when you have been attacked Read more about this resource...
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    Core - Core

    When you login you spawn at the spawn locations. Does not let you build in the world named "world" without you have the permission "". When a player joins the server it clears their inventory, effects, sets health to max, sets food to max. When a player changes world it clears...
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    AutoSpawn - AutoSpawn

    When you log in you automatically go to the spawn
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    Pinger - Pinger

    Get your latency in miliseconds
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    CombatLogger - CombatLogger

    CombatLogger: A plugin that disables commands for a certain amount of time when you are attacked
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    NoDrop - NoDrop v1.1

    Players cant drop anything and when they die nothing will drop
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    Vrysed updated NoDrop with a new update entry: NoDrop v1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
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    Why cant I use setDrops on PlayerDeath?

    When I do event.setDrops(null); I get this error when I /kill myself