Recent content by Aeternia Inc.

  1. Aeternia Inc.

    Tell Me :

    Tell Me :
  2. Aeternia Inc.

    [Deleted] LobbyNK

    ehmmm ? nothing :|
  3. Aeternia Inc.

    [Deleted] LobbyNK

    Idea ? Hmm Animated Scoreboards ?
  4. Aeternia Inc.

    [Deleted] LobbyNK

    Fixed !
  5. Aeternia Inc.

    [Deleted] LobbyNK

    The Aeternia server is currently under development! But you can enter when I authorize you! URL :
  6. Aeternia Inc.


    getScheduler().schedultRepeatingTask ?
  7. Aeternia Inc.


    Task ?
  8. Aeternia Inc.

    [Deleted] LobbyNK

    nice update
  9. Aeternia Inc.

    [Deleted] LobbyNK

    Not as expected I Think It clashed with SynapseAPI So I mean to make the Compass Teleporter Can support commands (warp / tp / transfer / gamemode / etc) So the function is not just one Not the Transfer Command added LoL :D •> Translated By Google From Indonesian Language
  10. Aeternia Inc.

    [Deleted] LobbyNK

    A little advice! Teleporter to Another Server! With the System Command ( transfer )
  11. Aeternia Inc.

    Fly UI - Fly UI

    [ INFORMATION ] Give Me Idea [ PERMISSION ] fly.use [ DISCORD ] @Aeternia Inc#8414
  12. Aeternia Inc.

    Fly UI

    Aeternia Inc. submitted a new resource: Fly UI - Fly UI Read more about this resource...
  13. Aeternia Inc.


    MySQL ?
  14. Aeternia Inc.

    Hello I'am Refly, Founder Aeternia Inc. So If Your Give Me Negative Response We Kill You

    Hello I'am Refly, Founder Aeternia Inc. So If Your Give Me Negative Response We Kill You