Cloudburst Nukkit & Minecraft Server Software

Nukkit for Bedrock 1.17.40

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As of Build #902 on Jenkins, Nukkit now supports Bedrock Edition 1.17.40 (protocol version 471).

As a reminder, Nukkit updates only include protocol updates to allow new clients to connect, no new blocks or features are supported. Should you find any bugs not related to unimplemented content, please report them on the GitHub Issue Tracker.

You can get the latest builds from the Jenkins CI site. You can also use this link to always get the latest build:
Cloudburst will receive 1.17.40 support in the coming weeks.

For the latest news and info, check out the CloudburstMC Discord.

Nukkit for MCBE 1.17.30

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As of Build #899 on Jenkins, NukkitX supports MCBE 1.17.30 with Protocol version 465.

As a reminder, NukkitX updates only include protocol updates to allow new clients to connect, no new blocks or features are supported. Should you find any bugs not related to unimplemented content, please report them on the GitHub Issue Tracker.

You can get the latest builds from the Jenkins CI site. You can also use this link to always get the latest build:
For the latest news and info, check out the CloudburstMC Discord.

Thank you, and happy crafting!

Nukkit (and Cloudburst) for Bedrock 1.17.1x

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We missed a few announcements, but NukkitX has been updated to support 1.17 (Build#870) and 1.17.10 (Build#874), which should also support 1.17.11 since there is no protocol update.

As a reminder, NukkitX updates only include protocol updates to allow new clients to connect, no new blocks or features are supported. Should you find any bugs not related to unimplemented content, please report them on the GitHub Issue Tracker.

You can get the latest builds from the Jenkins CI site. You can also use this link to always get the latest build:
The Alpha versions of Cloudburst Server are also available on the Jenkins CI site, and currently supports...

Nukkit For Bedrock Edition 1.16.0

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Nukkit for Bedrock 1.16.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #714.
Update: Support for the latest minor release (1.16.220) has been added

We've had support out for over 2 weeks now although I completely forgot to post this announcement. 😅

This is only protocol support therefore none of the new features in this version will be added.

If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already been reported.
Also, check out the discord for the latest news and updates for Nukkit.

We are now Cloudburst!

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Hey everyone,

It's been a long time coming but we're finally renaming this organisation!
We wanted to do this as there's been a lot of confusion about the difference between
- Nukkit: the original project and repo
- NukkitX: this organisation
- NukkitX's fork of Nukkit, Nukkit 1.0: the NukkitX/Nukkit repo master branch + related
- NukkitX's hard fork of Nukkit, Nukkit 2.0: the NukkitX/Nukkit repo 2.0 branch + related


This was causing quite a bit of confusion to those outside the organisation (and some of those within!!) and since one of the goals of the open collaboration project is to allow more people to readily contribute to the project we thought now was a good time to go ahead and rename.
Thank you to everyone who's suggested a new name, the core team voted on all suggestions.
The new name of the organisation is Cloudburst. We like this name as it's easy to say, spell and keeps with the water theme of Minecraft-related server software.

Going forwards we'll have the...

NukkitX joins CubeCraft Games

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Today I'm pleased to announce that NukkitX is now part of CubeCraft Games!
This isn't going to change anything immediately. The day to day management of this project still remains with myself and the other core contributors, source code in the repositories remains under license and copyright of the author.

For now, CubeCraft will work with us in the background: supporting the project's continued development and helping expand our reach within the Bedrock community.

The modded Bedrock community has previously been fragmented over several different flavours / versions of server software and with CubeCraft behind us we are hoping to finally build a central ecosystem for modded Bedrock servers.

Over the next few weeks, you may see forums or Jenkins be down for a few hours as stuff is migrated. We will try and keep everyone up to date with what's going on and to minimise downtime where ever possible, you should join our Discord to make sure you hear the latest!

CubeCraft's main...

Nukkit 2.0 Alpha

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Nukkit 2.0 is now in alpha with support for blocks above ID 255 (old chunk format limitation), LevelDB support, faster chunk loading and a variety of other features that listed are below. This build is NOT intended to be used in production environments as there are still major bugs that could potentially corrupt your world.
Existing anvil format worlds will be automatically converted to the LevelDB format upon loading. This may take a long time however we are still optimising the converter code.

The API has undergone some major changes in areas which will 100% break your plugins and due to this version still being in alpha, we do not recommend updating them yet as there may still be more changes to come.

New Features

Custom Blocks, Items & Entities

These will require a resource pack to be loaded with the definitions and textures for...

Nukkit For Bedrock Edition 1.14.0

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Nukkit for Bedrock 1.14.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #549.

This is only protocol support therefore none of the new features in this version will be added.

If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already been reported.
Also, check out the discord for the latest news and updates for Nukkit.

Nukkit For Bedrock Edition 1.13.x

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Nukkit for Bedrock 1.13.x can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #523.

As you may have noticed, this update took significantly longer than other updates due to the sheer quantity of changes and that our tools for updating relied mainly on Android builds which no longer have debugging symbols. 1.14 is set to release on December 10th and we expect the update to go much more smoothly now that we have updated our tools to work with BDS.

This update include backwards compatibility breaking changes to support the new persona skins.

If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already been reported.
Also, check out the [COLOR=rgb(255, 77...

Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.12.0

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Nukkit for Bedrock 1.12.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #424.

This update only contains protocol support with no new features implemented into Nukkit.

If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already been reported.
Also, check out the discord for the latest news and updates for Nukkit.

Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.11.0

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Nukkit for Minecraft 1.11.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #356.

This update only contains protocol support with no new features implemented into Nukkit.

If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already been reported.
Also, check out the discord for the latest news and updates for Nukkit.

Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.9.0

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Nukkit for Minecraft 1.9.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #253.

Again, this is only protocol support with no new features implemented into Nukkit.

If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already been reported.
Also, check out the discord for the latest news and updates for Nukkit.

Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.8

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Nukkit for Minecraft 1.8 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #189.

This is still only protocol support with no new features implemented into Nukkit.

If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already been reported.

Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.7

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Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.7 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #143.

The first builds only add protocol support and scoreboards will be added later on.

If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already been reported.

Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.5

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Nukkit for Minecraft 1.5 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #11. (We reconfigured Jenkins so the build number has been reset)

This is still only protocol support with no new features implemented into Nukkit as we have move our attention to the rewrite branch.

If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already been reported.

Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.4.0

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Nukkit for Minecraft 1.4.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #165.

Edit: 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 are just client fixes! Players will still be able to join.

This comes with no support for the new blocks added in Update Aquatic since it will require some major block and chunk rewriting or a temporary hack to convert legacy block IDs to new run-time IDs for the paletted chunks.

If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already been reported.

Important Update For Developers and Domain Change

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Changes to Domain and Important Update For Developers

New Website
Please note that your old login from will remain working. No need to make a new account.

Jenkins Server Domain Has Also Been Updated

Please remember to update your maven repository to NukkitX so that any API changes will not cause your plugin to throw errors on the new versions.

Resource Section

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Since we do not allow direct file uploads to the resource section, it would be recommended to host your releases off from GitHub's release section and directly link them here. Other file sharing services like dropbox and mediafire don't allow direct link access and usually redirect viewers to advertisements which is unwanted. Here is an article on how to create releases:

EDIT: We now allow direct JAR uploads so there is no need to use GitHub releases anymore.


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Hey! You somehow managed to stumble upon this forum. :)