Recent content by BlackKnight683

  1. BlackKnight683

    Update to 1.16.201?

    any news where can i find Nukkit or PowerNukkit for mcbe 1.16.201?
  2. BlackKnight683


    is there a way with which we can prevent mobs from spawning in a singular region?
  3. BlackKnight683


    nicely done, can maybe add a bit of yk better config?
  4. BlackKnight683


    so im doing this thing where i want the inventory mirrored of specific worlds (skyblock and shop) is there a way to make the inventories of 2 said worlds mirrored, like when u mirror the nether to our survival world....?
  5. BlackKnight683


    how to enable pay to access kits thingy or permission
  6. BlackKnight683


    How Do I Add Per World Permissions... Like Make The VIP group able to fly in the worlds "skyblock, lobby" and not be able to use it in world "factions"
  7. BlackKnight683


    hi, this is a really cool plugin i love it... but it's there a way to make the game stick to only one world? like if we ban the command in other worlds and then make an npc that makes them directly tp?
  8. BlackKnight683


    u need to disable multiworld lobbies/ multilobbies