Recent content by Buddelbubi.

  1. Buddelbubi.


    Okay... But that the implementation of "per world plugins" is pretty much impossible since you cannot cancel event calls in Nukkit. Sure. Disabling commands in a world is easy, but not disabling actions like block placing or breaking etc. That has to be implemented in the plugin itself. Do you...
  2. Buddelbubi.


    Then you are getting scammed. Never rent minecraft servers. Always rent a vps (virtual private server) or dedicated server and set up the software by yourself. You save like 60% money. Adding that feature is impossible with the nukkit api. Otherwise I would've done that.
  3. Buddelbubi.


    No. Thats not possible. I recommend you setting up a WaterdogPE Network to run each world in a seperate server.
  4. Buddelbubi.

    WorldManager (Advanced MultiWorld Plugin)

    Yea. Install this:
  5. Buddelbubi.


    How hard would it be to make pocketmine plugins run with this without modifying it? I guess this could bring alot of users to switch to nukkit. But I dont know php that much..
  6. Buddelbubi.


    Genisys... I remember using that sometimes before nukkit was a thing bc they were fast in updating xd
  7. Buddelbubi.

    WorldManager (Advanced MultiWorld Plugin) - Fixes

    Fixed infinite NullPointerExceptions on world regenerate while player is in world, /wm reload -c works now
  8. Buddelbubi.

    WorldManager (Advanced MultiWorld Plugin)

    Buddelbubi. updated WorldManager (Advanced MultiWorld Plugin) with a new update entry: Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Buddelbubi.

    WorldManager (Advanced MultiWorld Plugin)

    Buddelbubi. updated WorldManager (Advanced MultiWorld Plugin) with a new update entry: Addons working again Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. Buddelbubi.

    WorldManager (Advanced MultiWorld Plugin) - Addons working again

    A little mistake I made a while ago broke the addon page. Its restored now.
  11. Buddelbubi.

    Barrel CREA Edition NK(Geyser Reverse)

    Would be better to do this for WaterDogPE since then it can be used with every server software. Majority of servers still runs pocketmine for some reason?? And PowerNukkitX wont be able to run this eighter. But everyone can setup a WaterdogPE server. It would be cool if this can be a wdpe plugin...
  12. Buddelbubi.

    WorldManager (Advanced MultiWorld Plugin)

    Thats pretty strange. It should work right away. In the folder of the world should be a config.yml. Could you send me the content of it?
  13. Buddelbubi.


    Hm.. It should work. Could you share your groups yml so I can check?
  14. Buddelbubi.

    Wie kann ich meinen nukkit server auf raspberry pi auch für meine freunde zugänglich machen?

    Das bezweifle ich. Beim normalem Nukkit fehlt einfach viel zu viel. Nehm auf jeden Fall PowerNukkitX. Sonst ist sogut wie alles auf der 1.12. Braucht ihr eigentlich Plugins oder wollt ihr nur Survival ohne Modifikationen spielen? Dann wäre BDS deutlich besser als Nukkit.
  15. Buddelbubi.

    WorldManager (Advanced MultiWorld Plugin)

    Not on its own. But a plugin that would handle that should be pretty easy to code. Add me on discord