Recent content by CrystalNeko

  1. CrystalNeko


    CrystalNeko updated CtLib with a new update entry: 0.1.3update Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. CrystalNeko

    CtLib - 0.1.3update

    Add NeoForge support, add HttpPost, optimize API, delete bStats, cancel support for java11
  3. CrystalNeko


    CrystalNeko submitted a new resource: toNeko - Turn players into catgirls in Minecraft Read more about this resource...
  4. CrystalNeko

    toNeko 0.4.1

    toNeko brief introduction This is a mod/plug-in that turns players into cat girls, adding a little fun to the game. Supports Folia It revamps the chat system while adding some buffs and gameplay. Depends: CtLib download: Plug-in version Mod version Instructions Place it in the server/client's...
  5. CrystalNeko

    CtLib 0.1.3

    ctLib This is a mod/plugin library for Bukkit/Spigot/Paper/Folia and fork.Also supproted Fabric and Velocity. You need run it in at least Java11 It provides some simple APIs for storing data and other operations. Supported: Folia Paper/Purpur Bukkit/Spigot Fabric Quilt Forge NeoForge NukkitX...
  6. CrystalNeko


    CrystalNeko submitted a new resource: CtLib - A library for data storage and make things simple Read more about this resource...