Recent content by eat-sleep-code

  1. eat-sleep-code


    eat-sleep-code submitted a new resource: LadderBuilder - Build a lighted ladder shaft descending to the specified depth coordinate. Read more about this resource...
  2. eat-sleep-code

    LadderBuilder 2025.02.04.22

    Build a lighted ladder shaft descending to the specified depth coordinate. Prerequisites Nukkit Minecraft Server Installation Place the LadderBuilder.jar file in the <Nukkit Installation Folder>/plugins/ folder. Usage Create a stone-walled, lighted ladder shaft to a depth of Y=20: /ladder...
  3. eat-sleep-code


    eat-sleep-code submitted a new resource: StairBuilder - Build a lighted staircase descending to the specified depth coordinate. Read more about this resource...
  4. eat-sleep-code

    StairBuilder 2025.02.03.11

    Build a lighted staircase descending to the specified depth coordinate. Prerequisites Nukkit Minecraft Server Installation Place the StairBuilder.jar file in the <Nukkit Installation Folder>/plugins/ folder. Usage Ensure the area at least two blocks directly above the stairs is cleared of...
  5. eat-sleep-code


    eat-sleep-code submitted a new resource: TunnelBuilder - Build a lighted tunnel with configurable length and direction. Read more about this resource...
  6. eat-sleep-code

    TunnelBuilder 2025.01.25.22

    Build a lighted tunnel with configurable length and direction. Choose from a standard stone tunnel, a parallel powered rail tunnel, or a farm tunnel. Prerequisites Nukkit Minecraft Server Installation Place the TunnelBuilder.jar file in the <Nukkit Installation Folder>/plugins/ folder...