Recent content by FedFox

  1. FedFox

    Simple Nukkit Forms

    if the plugin has a command to open the form, just put it in the field for commands. There's no other way
  2. FedFox

    Simple Nukkit Forms

    You can add a command to the button to open certain forms.
  3. FedFox

    Simple Nukkit Forms - Simple Nukkit Forms v1.1.0

    EN Now using cmds instead of cmd, you can add multiple commands using the separator " /". Example: cmds: "tp %p 10 10 10 / say Hi, I'm %p" RU Теперь используя cmds вместо cmd можно добавлять несколько команд с использованием разделителя " / ". Пример: cmds: "tp %p 10 10 10 / say Hi, I'm %p"
  4. FedFox

    Simple Nukkit Forms

    FedFox updated Simple Nukkit Forms with a new update entry: Simple Nukkit Forms v1.1.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. FedFox

    Simple Nukkit Forms

  6. FedFox

    Simple Nukkit Forms 1.1.0

    I'm not English, if you find a mistake, write to me! UK: The plugin allows you to create your own forms and display them to players. Command: /sformopen <form id> <player> To create a form you need to write the following code in the file: test: type: 'Simple' name: 'Test Form' content...
  7. FedFox

    Simple Nukkit Forms

    FedFox submitted a new resource: Simple Nukkit Forms - Simple Forms UI Read more about this resource...
  8. FedFox


  9. FedFox


    I'm really looking forward to it
  10. FedFox


    Can you leave a working link to gitlib with source code? The current link is not working now