Recent content by LinuxLogo

  1. LinuxLogo


  2. LinuxLogo

    Need help discord is a tool and a half. Lost access to it

    Need help discord is a tool and a half. Lost access to it
  3. LinuxLogo


    Uh is this a geyser plugin??, pc players can’t join nukkit servers
  4. LinuxLogo


    I haven’t seen it updated in a long while it also has discontinued tag on the resource page
  5. LinuxLogo


    I forked this and made it for EconomyAPI as LlamaEcon is disconnected
  6. LinuxLogo


    remove id and no
  7. LinuxLogo

    How to grab & setSkin to & on EntityHuman

    public CompoundTag nbt(Player sender) { CompoundTag nbt = new CompoundTag() .putList(new ListTag<>("Pos") .add(new DoubleTag("", sender.x)) .add(new DoubleTag("", sender.y)) .add(new DoubleTag(""...
  8. LinuxLogo

    May i have some assistance

    20:32:51 [ERROR] Could not tick level "world": java.lang.NullPointerException at cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType.attack( at cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving.entityBaseTick( at...
  9. LinuxLogo

    Help with LuckPerms

    It works for me prob config issue
  10. LinuxLogo

    Help with LuckPerms

    Use zchat
  11. LinuxLogo

    [FIX] How do I use custom Worlds?!?!?!?!

    you can use forge with world edit and /wb fill the radius you want pregenerated or use spigot and world edit plugin to pregenerate the same way: /wb fill whatever radius. If you do it on a local computer with forge you need a pretty decent computer or it will take a very long time. Same with on...
  12. LinuxLogo

    [FIX] How do I use custom Worlds?!?!?!?!

    You have to pregenerate the world with a pc server software before adding it into a Nukkit server
  13. LinuxLogo 19132 19132
  14. LinuxLogo


    Gamemode: Factions! IP: Website: Discord: Factions server running almost 5-6 years strong . Been closed for a while but have now returned in late 2019 Please Vote Daily: Come chat with us on...