Miroshka's latest activity

  • Miroshka
    Miroshka replied to the thread MountKingMX.
    Miroshka updated MountKingMX with a new update entry: Major update: 2.5 Read the rest of this update entry...
  • Miroshka
    Miroshka updated the resource MountKingMX with Major update: 2.5.
    Added title system, golden hour events, and long-term rewards. Added player notifications and configurable messages.
  • Miroshka
    Miroshka replied to the thread ClanSystemMX.
    %clantag% returns the color
  • Miroshka
    Miroshka replied to the thread ClanSystemMX.
    Why? The plugin supports colored titles. I'll update the description a bit later so you can understand which placeholder is responsible...
  • Miroshka
    Miroshka reviewed the resource Health Bar.
    5.00 star(s) Good! a very good and useful plugin! I hope for further updates!
  • Miroshka
    Miroshka replied to the thread MultiRTP_MX.
    Miroshka updated MultiRTP_MX with a new update entry: 1.0.4 Read the rest of this update entry...
  • Miroshka
    Miroshka updated the resource MultiRTP_MX with 1.0.4.
    🚀 feat: Optimize RTP system and improve documentation - ⚡ Increase teleport attempts from 10 to 20 - 🔧 Optimize height checking...