Recent content by N1klasse

  1. N1klasse

    Adding .mcpack Resources and Behaviours to the server

    You only put the manifest.json file in your pack folder. Here an example:
  2. N1klasse

    Can't change spawn point

    Oh, okey for this you need EasySpawns with the command /setlobby
  3. N1klasse

    Can't change spawn point

    I edited it.
  4. N1klasse

    Need help setting up a NukkitX server? Here is a tutorial video!

    Or you downloard the full NukkitX server for root-servers:
  5. N1klasse

    Looking for a plugin that can broadcast clickable links

    @jipthechip You can use the EssentialsNK from PetteriM1 and with the command: /bcast or /broadcast. But Links can't be clickable. But you can made save short links with or for example:
  6. N1klasse

    Nukkit 2.0 Alpha

    Hi, you have to set the world name into the nukkit.yml. Downloard nukkit.yml en-EN:
  7. N1klasse

    Can't change spawn point

    You have to install EssentialsNK to change the spawnpoint! With the command: /spawnpoint %p <x y z>
  8. N1klasse

    Adding .mcpack Resources and Behaviours to the server

    Hi, you have to put your ressource pack with a .zip file into /opt/nukkit/ressource_packs/ But you need this manifest.json { "header": { "name":"#Name of the ressource pack#", "description":"#description#", "uuid":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"...
  9. N1klasse

    PlotSquared | Fawe | Dblib

    @Freddy103 Man kann dieses Problem lösen indem man seine eigenen Wege Erstellt hierzu gibt es auch ein Tutorial: Alles vor Minute 2:35 ist das generieren von der PlotSquared Welt. Alles was Nach Minute 2:35 kommt sind die Wege. Am Anfang wirst du feststellen, da die Wege nicht die ganze...