Recent content by nixybuilder

  1. nixybuilder

    Comman items - Best for survival

    nixybuilder submitted a new resource: Comman items - safe for survival server - Command items best for survival Read more about this resource...
  2. nixybuilder

    Comman items - Best for survival 1.0.2

    Plugin made by PetteriM1 originally for my survival server. I switched to java software and i dont need the plugin anymore so im uploading it here for free This plugin doesnt drop the items upon death, it have permissions and you can set any command to open for example in image a ender chest or...
  3. nixybuilder


    Is it possible to have custom models? I tried to replace the snowman with my own model but it says EntityHuman must have a valid skin set tho i set the correct texture
  4. nixybuilder


    Could you add support for this types of stairs? I cant seem to make it work without the additional stairs next to it
  5. nixybuilder

    NPC / Slapper

    The NPCs move by 1 block when player teleports between worlds (Client visual issue) they are in correct position on rejoin tho this keeps happening
  6. nixybuilder


    is it possible to auto remove them when player leaves? the lobby can get full of pets
  7. nixybuilder


    kinda sad that its java 17. Mostly 8 or 11 so it would be nice to use older java version so more people could use this plugin, is it possible?
  8. nixybuilder


    its choppy when moving, but not when rotating but it works
  9. nixybuilder


    is it possible to link like lobby worl to survival nether so it doesnt put people back to lobby world when they build nether portal in nether
  10. nixybuilder


    essentialsnk doesnt tp me to spawn after join and it reset the spawn position each server restart.
  11. nixybuilder


    Doesnt work, im on java 11. do i need newer version?
  12. nixybuilder

    [Deleted] VersionExtension

    doesnt work
  13. nixybuilder


    Schematics doesnt work, or can someone explain why it use folder instead of .chem files?
  14. nixybuilder


    its not 10 seconds and please make it to show on top of head or config
  15. nixybuilder


    works fine