Rakilem's latest activity

  • Rakilem
    Rakilem replied to the thread ClanSystemMX.
    00:29:58 [ERROR] Lanzar java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/creeperface/nukkit/placeholderapi/api/Placeholder en...
  • Rakilem
    Rakilem replied to the thread LuckyCrates-NK.
    00:22:29 [ERROR] Throwing cn.nukkit.utils.PluginException: Default GlobalBlockPalette#getLegacyFullId(int, int) used by a plugin. This...
  • Rakilem
    Rakilem reviewed the resource Experimental QueryPlaceholders.
    5.00 star(s) bro can you add an option to be able to show all the players in the server motd