Recent content by SenseiTarzan

  1. SenseiTarzan


    is the plugin green when you do /pl or /plugins?
  2. SenseiTarzan


    Weird because in my tests I could break the block in front of me.🤔
  3. SenseiTarzan


    Dalker(Tarzan) submitted a new resource: SwingPlugin - activates the phisyque of the minecraft swim Read more about this resource...
  4. SenseiTarzan

    SwimPlugin 1.0

    The plugin activates the phisyque of the minecraft swim which means that you can fit in a 1x1 hole.
  5. SenseiTarzan

    Database Extendability

    Could I have a more complete example, please?
  6. SenseiTarzan

    [Deleted] LlamaEconomy (Cloudburst/"Nukkit 2.0")

    your Cloudburst Server feature 1.16 or master?
  7. SenseiTarzan

    [Deleted] LlamaEconomy (Cloudburst/"Nukkit 2.0")

    what is your version of CloudBurstMC??
  8. SenseiTarzan

    [Deleted] LlamaEconomy (Cloudburst/"Nukkit 2.0")

    hello llamaeconomy not work in Nukkit 2.0 feature 1.16😅😅
  9. SenseiTarzan


    Dalker(Tarzan) updated EcoSimple with a new update entry: add Chinesse Lang && Top Money Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. SenseiTarzan

    Experimental EcoSimple - add Chinesse Lang && Top Money

    change party start money in config.yml change top money count in config.yml Lang : - Français = fra - 中国人 = cn Thanks you at 枫黎秋 - English = eng - Pусский = rus Thanks you at C1oky
  11. SenseiTarzan


    If you want to make the chinese language of my plugin you can do it
  12. SenseiTarzan


    Dalker(Tarzan) updated EcoSimple with a new update entry: new command Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. SenseiTarzan

    Experimental EcoSimple - new command

    Data: plugins/EcoSimple/data/MoneyData.json Config: for change lang on config.yml lang : - russian - english - french Commands & Permissions: Command Permissions Default Description /setmoney eco.command.setmoney op Set the player a certain balance /givemoney...