- Compatible API Versions
- 1.0.9
With this plugin, players must accept the basic privacy policy in order to play on the server. This happens once. After accepting, the player will never be asked again.
The complete plugin can be edited with the Config.
The complete plugin can be edited with the Config.
# Please define the design of the UI.
title: "Please accept our privacy policy!"
text: "To play on our server, you must first accept our privacy policy, which you can find here: www.yoursite.com/privacy-policy"
accept-button: "I accept!"
decline-button: "I do NOT accept!"
# Define the kick message, when the player close the ui without an response or when he decline!
kick-message: "§l§cYOU HAVE BEEN KICKED!§r\n§7You need to accept our privacy policy!\n§7Please rejoin and try again!"
# Define the message, when the player accept the form!
thanks: "§aThanks for accepting! Enjoy your stay on our server!"