No need really for a description here, because it should explain itself. (THIS IS NOT A CUSTOM ENCHANTMENT PLUGIN) This plugin simply allows you to enchant any item with any enchantment with any level up to thirty-two thousand. Permission nodes are as follows:
If you find any bugs, please let me know and I'll address them as soon as I see them.
For enchantment names, use these (I'm working on some REGEX to allow for terms like "sharp" or "smite"):
Protection, Fire_Protection, Feather_falling, Blast_protection, Projectile_protection, Thorns, Respiration, Aqua_affinity, Depth_strider, sharpness, Smite, Bane_of_arthropods, knockback, Fire_aspect, looting, efficiency, Silk_touch, durability (Use this for unbreaking), fortune, power, punch, flame, infinity, Luck_of_the_sea, and lure.
- ME.addenchant: Allows any user with this node to enchant items using the plugin, not vanilla Nukkit /enchant.
If you find any bugs, please let me know and I'll address them as soon as I see them.
For enchantment names, use these (I'm working on some REGEX to allow for terms like "sharp" or "smite"):
Protection, Fire_Protection, Feather_falling, Blast_protection, Projectile_protection, Thorns, Respiration, Aqua_affinity, Depth_strider, sharpness, Smite, Bane_of_arthropods, knockback, Fire_aspect, looting, efficiency, Silk_touch, durability (Use this for unbreaking), fortune, power, punch, flame, infinity, Luck_of_the_sea, and lure.