- Compatible API Versions
- 1.0
- Sourcecode
- https://github.com/MeditationDev/MLGRush
A plugin for MLGRush game.
1.download/build a MLGRush map.
2.copy map folder to NukkitFolder/plugins/MLGRush/map
if you dont put map.plugin will not useable
need ScoreboardPlugin to show scoreboard!
2.copy map folder to NukkitFolder/plugins/MLGRush/map
if you dont put map.plugin will not useable
need ScoreboardPlugin to show scoreboard!
/mlgrush join
/mlgrush leave
/mlgrush leave
prefix: "§6§lMLG§bRush §8> §7" #message prefix
kblevel: 3 #level of kb enchant for kb stick
beds: 10 #bed count for each player in game
red: #red spawn pos
x: 22
y: 8
z: 5
blue: #blue spawn pos
x: -6
y: 8
z: 5
title: "§6§lMLG§b§lRush" #scoreboard title
- "Against: %against%"
- "Blue:(%blue%/%max%)"
- "Red:(%red%/%max%)"
- "§e§lMamoru§6§lNetwork"