Time is Money for Nukkit

Time is Money for Nukkit 1.0

Compatible API Versions
This plugin requires EconomyAPI
No permissions or commands needed for setup.

Time is Money

The resource does precisely what's in the name - It pays out your online players for their online time! Accordingly you're ready to design a measure of cash that ought to be given to the player for their online time. Moreover, it is conceivable to give things rather than a cash payout. So for example, you could give your players a jewel and 100 $ at regular intervals.
Besides, Time Is Money offers you the chance to arrange different payouts! Consequently a higher payout could be given to VIP's if the VIP has the consent to that payout.
There is likewise an Anti-AFK highlight, so AFK players won't get paid! (You can debilitate this obviously).

  "afkPayout": false,
  "payouts": [
      "interval": 600, #Interval in seconds
      "amount": 500, #Amount of money 
      "itemId": 264,
      "repeat": true,
      "itemName": "§cYOUR NEW ITEM", 
      "permission": "tim.receive.starter",
      "payoutType": "BOTH", #Use BOTH, ITEM, MONEY
      "messageReceive": "§a§lWOW %player%! §7You just received %amount% DOLLAR for being online another 10 minutes!",
      "messageAfk": "§cYou just missed %amount% DOLLAR because you were afk!"
      "interval": 600,
      "amount": 500,
      "itemId": 264,
      "repeat": true,
      "itemName": "§cYOUR NEW ITEM",
      "permission": "tim.receive.starter",
      "payoutType": "BOTH",
      "messageReceive": "§a§lWOW %player%! §7You just received %amount% DOLLAR for being online another 10 minutes!",
      "messageAfk": "§cYou just missed %amount% DOLLAR because you were afk!"
  "prefix": "§e§lTIM §7\u003e "

To setup, download the plugin, put it in the plugins folder of your server, reload or restart it.

If you have questions or problems with the plugin, write to me on Discord or Github, but not in the review section.
There are more features planned that will be released soon.
If you have further wishes, please let me know.
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Reactions: JJBirdmanYT
First release
Last update
3.67 star(s) 3 ratings

Latest reviews

Please add LlamaEconomy Depend for this great Plugin.
cool and nice idea, unfortunately you also get afk money
Pretty cool plugin. Perfect for rewarding players for being online!