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  1. MakisImperium

    Experimental FFA - An Epic Battlefield for Everyone! (UI based) - Fixes and Adding new Function: Remove individual Items from a Kit

    + Fixed duplicated Armor at Apply Kit + Fixed the last item always being removed + Fixed the Form PROFILE + You can now remove individual items from the kit in the window of a kit by clicking on an item.
  2. MakisImperium

    FFA - An Epic Battlefield for Everyone! (UI based)

    MakisImperium updated FFA - An Epic Battlefield for Everyone! with a new update entry: Fixes and Adding new Function: Remove individual Items from a Kit Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. MakisImperium

    FFA - An Epic Battlefield for Everyone! (UI based)

    MakisImperium updated FFA - An Epic Battlefield for Everyone! with a new update entry: Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. MakisImperium

    FFA - An Epic Battlefield for Everyone! (UI based)

    MakisImperium updated FFA - An Epic Battlefield for Everyone! with a new update entry: BIG UPDATE Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. MakisImperium

    Experimental FFA - An Epic Battlefield for Everyone! (UI based) - BIG UPDATE

    - Added Advanced Kit System, - Added a complex admin panel for Kits - Fixed Profile - Players can no longer be attacked if they have a window open - Fixed Bugs - Added Documentation
  6. MakisImperium

    FFA - An Epic Battlefield for Everyone! (UI based)

    Today in the course of the day there will be a huge update, including: Complex Kit UI and many other things
  7. MakisImperium

    Experimental FFA - An Epic Battlefield for Everyone! (UI based) 1.2.0

    FFA Game - An Epic Battlefield for Everyone! Experience the ultimate Free-For-All (FFA) action with our stunning FFA Plugin for Minecraft! Dive into thrilling battles where there's only one goal: Survive and dominate the battlefield. Perfect for all adventurers and warriors seeking glory and...
  8. MakisImperium

    FFA - An Epic Battlefield for Everyone! (UI based)

    MakisImperium submitted a new resource: FFA - An Epic Battlefield for Everyone! - Experience the ultimate FFA adventure and become a legend! Read more about this resource...