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  1. Ducanhtran41


    here’s what’s in my config file
  2. Ducanhtran41


    1. Yes, the plugin is in there when I do /plugins, and it’s green, just like the others 2. I’m sure the world name is correct, and is in the correct case 3. I am not sure, but likely not, because I don’t have any other plugin that’s related to food addendum: It seems like the issue only happens...
  3. Ducanhtran41


    It doesn’t work with me. I installed the plugin and loaded the world in the config file, but the hunger in that world still go down. Any suggestion?
  4. Ducanhtran41


    Hey, can you add a permission to the plugin? Like mw.access.(worldname)? To make it so only players with that permission could enter (worldname)?