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  1. DANI3L

    How to get the world?

    Hey again, I'm trying to check if a player is not in the whitelist @EventHandler public void sendChat(PlayerChatEvent e) { Player p = e.getPlayer(); if (!p.isWhitelisted()) { e.setCancelled(true); } } its not working for some reasons...
  2. DANI3L

    How to get the world?

    Thanks !
  3. DANI3L

    How to get the world?

    How can i get the world? in spigot its like p.getWorld...
  4. DANI3L

    Command not working.

    What was the problem? Still trying to figure out how to register commands from another class, its different from Spigot Api..
  5. DANI3L

    Time play plugin

    Yea this plugin is really cool, but its too complicated, i want everything inside game.. I'm just looking for one when you type /playtime and you can see "days, minutes..."
  6. DANI3L

    Time play plugin

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for a time play tracker plugin, since there is no statistics in game.. And if there's no plugin like this, how much it will cost to hire someone to code it ?