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  1. Davee_261


    pošle mi někdo nastavení nastavení tohoto klienta? nevím jak to nastavit díky moc.
  2. Davee_261


    i don't know how to use this plugin will anyone give me a video link to yt or something? Thanks..
  3. Davee_261


  4. Davee_261


    hi please post yt video setting portals thankssss.
  5. Davee_261


    hello, is there any list where it is written which plugins supports this plugin? Thank you.
  6. Davee_261

    bug problem

    here is a straight video for those who are afraid to open onedrive
  7. Davee_261

    bug problem

    yesss bug links videos>>>!ApVFIsCPNaF1goIZ3GGt8bVva_vJGA?e=9ZMwCa password----->>>>>>> 4444 thank you in advance for the solution (the bug is almost several times a day and I did not figure out why someone will be here. Know: /)
  8. Davee_261

    bug problem

    Hello, I have a problem with the bug and it is such that if I do not move for a while or the character cuts and I have to log out and log in again, it's not just for me but for everything but not for everyone thanks for the help.