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  1. S

    (Plugin Request) MineReset

    I can maybe try to create this, but i am not home yet
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    Disable command suggestions

    I think it is possible, but from my perspective, i would say make multiple plugins, and create a few commands in each plugin, and when you type a command, you can load the plugin with the commands you want, but the plugin where you load everything, you should have it as default running, i will...
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    How spawn snowball?

    try to get the level, (player.getLevel) first you need to have Id of snowball, use vector to position it to you
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    Nukkit Development Beginner.... Help is Appreciated

    if you can give me something specific to help you with, I will try to explain as good as possible
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    alternative to WorldEdit

    i am going to mozambique for a trip, when I come back I can maybe make one (;
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    code not working (null pointer exception)

    ok I even tried a try{ while (is == true){ if (p.subtract(0, 1, 0).getLevelBlock().getId() == Block.STONE){ p.sendMessage("stone") is = false; } } }catch (EventException error){ e.printStackTrace(); throw error; } i still get the error "Couldn't pass event to class"
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    code not working (null pointer exception)

    I started from scratch again ans STILL I get an error, although I cant see anything wrong: [FATAL] Could not pass event "cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent" to "BlockShuffler v1.0": null on me.savage.slayer.blockshuffler.BlockShuffler 12:20:38 [ERROR] Throwing cn.nukkit.utils.EventException...
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    code not working (null pointer exception)

    I still get an error [FATAL] Unhandled exception executing command "blockshufflestart" in blockshufflestart: java.lang.NullPointerException at me.savage.slayer.block.shuffle.BlockShuffle.startblock( at...
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    code not working (null pointer exception)

    so I got an idea to make type of a block shuffle for me and my cousin, I tried methods and it gives me this error: [FATAL] Unhandled exception executing command "blockshufflestart" in blockshufflestart: java.lang.ClassCastException: class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender cannot be cast to...
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    Setting compass to player to get their area

    Hey guys, I am making a plugin which will set compass target to a near player, I know you can do tp and stuff, but not everyone has permission, thats why I want to do a compass so they can go to other people and review their stuff, there were no options for the target thing? Thank you!
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    Creating gui

    Thank you
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    Creating gui

    When they click the compass, an inventory with options should appear
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    Creating gui

    I am trying to create a gui for when a player left or right clicks a compass, I created a var for the gui and stuff but can't get a way to create the gui? Thank you! Code: @EventHandler public void onLeftClickBlockCompass(PlayerInteractEvent e){ Player p = e.getPlayer(); if...
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    test for a specific block under player

    I have hoined the discord server but isnt allowed to send messages
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    test for a specific block under player

    how does items in cloudburst work? this doesnt work Item stick = new Item(Item.STICK); (that is in nukkit) in cloudburst it doesnt work
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    test for a specific block under player

    and also, i switched to cloudburst server, can nukkit plugins still work?
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    test for a specific block under player

    hey guys(again) im making a plugin which tests the block under the player and then sets it to air, I have a problem with it this works: @EventHandler public void onunder(PlayerMoveEvent e){ Player p = e.getPlayer(); Block under = p.getLevelBlock().subtract(0, 1, 0).getLevelBlock()...