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  1. DenzelCode

    UIFormAPI - 2.0

    It allows you to use .addHandler(e -> {}) to add an action handler to the forms (an event). FormAPI.customWindowForm("login", "Custom Form") .addInput("username", "Username", "Enter your username") .addInput("password", "Password", "Enter your password")...
  2. DenzelCode


    DenzelCode updated UIFormAPI with a new update entry: 2.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. DenzelCode


    You can implement the API on your plugins. In Commands, Listeners or whatever you need it on. Some examples are on github:
  4. DenzelCode


    DenzelCode submitted a new resource: FormAPI - The best form API provider for Nukkit Cloudburst. Read more about this resource...
  5. DenzelCode

    UIFormAPI 1.0.0

    FormAPI The best form API provider for Nukkit Cloudburst. What's FormAPI? FormAPI is an API that provides you everything that you need to enhance your plugins with the forms system implemented on Nukkit. Download Download the latest JAR: