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  1. CreeperFace

    Plugins not loading

    it's supposed to be plugins instead
  2. CreeperFace


    thanks for report. I'll look into it
  3. CreeperFace


    Make sure you are running latest GAC and kotlinlib
  4. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated PlaceholderAPI with a new update entry: Version 2.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. CreeperFace

    PlaceholderAPI - Version 2.2

    - Fix bug casing formatters to return always `null` instead of actual formatted value
  6. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated GAC with a new update entry: Version 1.4.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. CreeperFace

    GAC - Version 1.4.0

    - Fix compatibility fix latest nukkit - Bump kotlin version
  8. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated KotlinLib with a new update entry: Version 1.7.22 Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. CreeperFace

    KotlinLib - Version 1.7.22

    - Bump kotlin to 1.7.22
  10. CreeperFace

    server doesn't start with my plugins

    You compiled your plugin for java 15 but running server on java 8, so whether compile them for java 8 or run server with java 15 and higher
  11. CreeperFace


  12. CreeperFace

    "Отрезание" БД в ConnectFour

    Плагін просто не працює без підключення до бази даних. Ви можете зв'язатися з розробниками.
  13. CreeperFace

    "Отрезание" БД в ConnectFour

    Що я так дивлюся, так це виглядає, що плагін не підтримує.
  14. CreeperFace


    CreeperFace updated KotlinLib with a new update entry: Version 1.6.21 Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. CreeperFace

    KotlinLib - Version 1.6.21

    Update to kotlin version 1.6.21
  16. CreeperFace

    LuckPerms plugin not working

    I guess that /tmp dir is not writable. What os are you using?
  17. CreeperFace


    I don't think so
  18. CreeperFace

    MYSQL Database Config With Plugin

    it's bad nukkit design. Commands don't get unregistered when plugin gets disabled but throws an erro instead when dispatched.
  19. CreeperFace

    MYSQL Database Config With Plugin

    Well that's what your error says. That plugin is disabled.
  20. CreeperFace


    Looks like the level has been unloaded while converting