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  1. Criex1337


    Ok. I will add cooldown for command option soon.
  2. Criex1337


    Criex1337 updated BlockCommandCRX with a new update entry: BlockCommandCRX Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Criex1337

    BlockCommandCRX - v1.0.7

    A simple plugin for binding a command to a block. You can bind a command to a block by entering /bindcommand <command_name> <OP|default> in the chat. You must look at the block to which you want to attach the command. After you can edit trgger of this command in config. Placeholer %player% -...
  4. Criex1337

    [Deleted] CrxChat - Global & local chat

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  5. Criex1337

    [Deleted] Prefix Display Name

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  6. Criex1337

    [Deleted] SimpleDonateCases

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  7. Criex1337

    [Deleted] Get Pos

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  8. Criex1337

    [Deleted] MultiChatCRX

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  9. Criex1337

    [Deleted] MultiChatCRX

    Criex1337 submitted a new resource: MultiChatCRX - Prefixes, Clans, Display tag, Change nick - Global and local chat, ClanSystemMX clan tag, Multipass Prefix, Display tag with Multipass prefix Read more about this resource...
  10. Criex1337

    [Deleted] Get Pos

    Criex1337 submitted a new resource: Get Pos - Get player's x y z and world Read more about this resource...
  11. Criex1337


    Please tell me how the placeholder is needed to use colors
  12. Criex1337


    Please, add support for creating colored clan tags.
  13. Criex1337

    [Deleted] SimpleDonateCases

    Criex1337 submitted a new resource: SimpleCases - SCases - Random doate grant Read more about this resource...
  14. Criex1337

    [Deleted] Prefix Display Name

    Criex1337 submitted a new resource: Prefix Display Name - Add multipass prefix to nickname Read more about this resource...
  15. Criex1337

    [Deleted] CrxChat - Global & local chat

    LuckPerms Prefix, name, msg
  16. Criex1337


    Criex1337 submitted a new resource: BlockCommandCRX - A simple plugin for binding a command to a block Read more about this resource...
  17. Criex1337

    BlockCommandCRX 1.0.7

    A simple plugin for binding a command to a block. You can bind a command to a block by entering /bindcommand <command_name> <OP|default> in the chat. You must look at the block to which you want to attach the command. After you can edit trgger of this command in config. Placeholer %player% -...
  18. Criex1337

    [Deleted] CrxChat - Global & local chat

    Ok, I'll try to fix it
  19. Criex1337

    [Deleted] CrxChat - Global & local chat

    Criex1337 updated CrxChat - Global & local chat with a new update entry: CrxChat - G & L chat with LP support Read the rest of this update entry...
  20. Criex1337

    [Deleted] CrxChat - Global & local chat

    Criex1337 submitted a new resource: CrxChat - Global & local chat - CrxChat - Nukkit Read more about this resource...