Hello! Forgive me for not having serious reasons for so long, but keep your config anyway:
enabled: true
syntax: '&7&l(&b&lL&7&l) &f#player#: &b#msg#'
radius: 30
enabled: true
syntax: '&7&l(&e&lG&7&l) &f#player#: &b#msg#'
symbol: '!'
Please help with an error in the console when starting the server.
12:50:39 [ERROR] Throwing
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found class com.creeperface.nukkit.placeholderapi.api.PlaceholderAPI, but interface was expected
AdodvChat - Global and Local chat for survival servers
| Description >>
The plugin is a chat divided into local and global. In the config, you can configure: the global chat symbol, messages for local and global chat (syntax), the radius of the local chat, the inclusion of local or global...
WinnerWinnerTen submitted a new resource:
[CHAT] AdodvChat - Global and Local chat for survival servers - Global and Local chat for survival servers
Read more about this resource...
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