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  1. DJ.


    I encountered a problem where the trading status hologram stayed stuck after the trade was canceled.
  2. DJ.


    How would someone start a war with another faction 😈
  3. DJ.

    Basic Relics

    Can you find a way to give Relics to people without specifying player name? Example ( /relic @s commonrelic 1 )
  4. DJ.

    [Deleted] LlamaShop

    How would I add in config where you buy an item using an enchantment book?
  5. DJ.


    Yes im on the latest version and I utilize Lobbynk which has a multi-world backpack.
  6. DJ.


    Can you add an option in the multi-world config that allows you to choose which worlds you want to have the same inventory?
  7. DJ.


    When I leave the game, I still have the exit door in my hotbar. Anyway to fix this?
  8. DJ.


    Is there a way to turn the kill all entity part off?
  9. DJ.


    Everytime I reload the config (/mrn reload) it deletes all of my holograms and npc’s
  10. DJ.


    How do I remove the boss bar and health bar and everything else this plug-in has in a different world? I have multiple worlds one for spawn and another for pvp, but I don't know how to turn off the plug-in for specific worlds.