
  1. Buddelbubi.

    PluginManager 1.0.9

    A Plugin to manage all of your servers plugins and also a tool to speed up plugin development You can use PluginManager to load, unload, reload, enable, disable and uninstall plugins. Yes. You can reload single plugins without the need to reload the entire server. This could save alot of time...
  2. NoName

    Experimental CustomCommands 1.0.8

    With this plugin you can play developer and create your own command in the config(So far only a customcommand)
  3. NoName

    Experimental Custom Discord Command 1.0.2

    With this plugin you can enter your Discord link in the config and every player can view the link with /dc or /discord.
  4. M

    Saving Permissions

    I am currently in the middle of attempting to translate previously made Bukkit/Spigot plugins into plugins using the Nukkit API to run on a Bedrock server instead. I have successfully translated 99% of the code, however I am stuck on part of a Permissions plugin. In order to re-save my config...