
  1. Criex1337

    Get Pos 1.0-Last

    A simple plugin for show player's info about world and coordiantes. ⚙ Usage: /getpos <player> 🟢 You can edit messages in config ℹ More info on: (click) 🔧 Permissions:
  2. nixybuilder

    Position saving for survival world?

    Does anyone have plugin that overwrite worldmanager coordinates and teleports player to correct coordinates where player left? Lets say i left in world survival at 255 8 255 and when i do /warp lobby and then /mv tp survival (that is set on npc) i get teleported again to coordinates where is the...
  3. J

    How to set showCoordinates and Simulation distance?

    Even if I'm an operator, it doesn't let me change these settings in game via the "Game" menu, and I can't find a configuration file that lets you set these. I know you can set showCoordinates with the command /gamerule showCoordinates true, but I don't believe this is permanent.
  4. Denic

    Basic Hud 1.2

    This plugin shows your coords above your hotbar! Customize it to your liking by editing the config.yml! This plugin is still a work-in-progress so please report any issues/bugs to me on Discord. Discord: Civiled#1713