develop nukkit

  1. Trollhunters501

    Experimental RubyEngineNK 1.0

    RubyEngineNK Run Ruby on Nukkit! Requirements: JSEngineNK Plugin: RubyLib: Know Basic JavaScript. Installation: Easily installed with a JSEngineNK script: if(!script.getScriptByName("RubyEngineNK")){...
  2. Champrin

    About addWindow

    We all know that windows10 player chest form is the first picture and a mobile phone player is the second picture. How to send the windows10 chest form to mobile phone player? Is this possible?
  3. B

    Experimental MusicController 1.0

    NOTE: sorry for my english :с This plugin allows you to control sounds in players Permissions: default: op music.command.stop: default: op Commands: /music-start <song> <player> - starts the sound, if the additional argument <player> is specified, then the sound...
  4. skilo

    Developer Problems :(

    Hello, I’m skil, and I need a developer for my server. I have been spending most my year trying to find a good developer. Most of the developers i messaged for help were the biggest pain in the but i ever Dealed with. Always offline, Never get back to you, And some make up stories to get out of...