
  1. Y

    Experimental RokiDragon 1.0.1

    RokiDragonPlugin RokiDragonPlugin is a Nukkit plugin that introduces a rideable dragon entity to your Minecraft server. Players can purchase, hatch, summon and ride their own dragons. The plugin also includes features for managing dragon eggs and ensuring that only the rightful owner can use...
  2. Angga7Togk

    CoinsAPI 1.1.0

    CoinsAPI-NK CoinsAPI for Nukkit Commands Commands Description use /setcoin Set Coins Player op /addcoin Add Coins Player op /reducecoin Reduce Coins Player op /seecoin See Coins Player all /mycoin Check My Coins all Repository <repositories> <repository>...
  3. phuongaz

    Sell 1.0

    Commands: /sell <hand/all> hand: Sell item in hand All: Sell all item in inventory
  4. N

    SpawnerTiers 1.2.0

    This plugin adds tiers to mob spawners, allowing players to upgrade their spawners to be 2x or 3x faster using nether stars or 3000 credits by default. This can be changed in config. This mod is compatible with EconomyAPI and requires the Mobs Plugin.