
  1. Minosuko

    Item Enchant Remover 1.0.1

    gain level = enchant lvl per item * 2.5 usage: /remove-enchant /re /remenc /rme /rie
  2. PetteriM1

    CustomEnchantsNK 1.0.0-beta5

    CustomEnchantsNK First public custom enchantments plugin for Nukkit NOTE: This plugin is still in beta. There may be bugs or unworking features. More custom enchantments will be added soon. Found a bug? Please report if for me via private message on the forum or in Discord (PetteriM1#1059)...
  3. coke

    MaxEnchants 1.1-SNAPSHOT_REL

    No need really for a description here, because it should explain itself. (THIS IS NOT A CUSTOM ENCHANTMENT PLUGIN) This plugin simply allows you to enchant any item with any enchantment with any level up to thirty-two thousand. Permission nodes are as follows: If you find any bugs, please...