
  1. Y

    Experimental RokiDragon 1.0.1

    RokiDragonPlugin RokiDragonPlugin is a Nukkit plugin that introduces a rideable dragon entity to your Minecraft server. Players can purchase, hatch, summon and ride their own dragons. The plugin also includes features for managing dragon eggs and ensuring that only the rightful owner can use...
  2. Angekleckert

    Fly Plugin 1.0.1

    Fly Plugin for Nukkit: Configuration: - Choose own permission, in the config.yml - Choose your language, in the config.yml - Choose, if fly will be disabled on levelchange, in the config.yml - Choose, if a message will sent if fly was disabled on levelchange, in config.yml Commands: - /fly...
  3. BestKotzi

    SimpleFly | German | Beta 1.0

    Mit diesem Plugin kann man in den Flugmodus gehen und andere in den Flugmodus setzen! Bitte meldet Bugs in den Comments! Viel Spaß! Commands & Permissions /fly - /fly <Spieler> -
  4. C1oky

    FlightBox 1.0

    Switch Fly and gamemode in ui. Commands: /fly | /gm Permissions: fly.use | gm.use
  5. SuprexDE

    Discontinued BetterCommands | GERMAN/DEUTSCH 1.0

    BETTERCOMMANDS Mit diesen Plugin könnt ihr fliegen, euch heilen und mehr! Das Plugin ist ideal für Handy-Spieler geeignet weil die Commands sehr kurz sind. /cc - Funktion: Lösche den Chat - Permission: /heal - Funktion: Heile dich - Permission: bc.heal /me - Funktion: Der Befehl /me...
  6. X

    SimpleFly (Translated to english) 1.0

    Original version is found at: Can be downloaded from:$SimpleFly/artifact/SimpleFly/SimpleFly/1.0.0/SimpleFly-1.0.0.jar Was made by: Pub4Game Translated by: xXILoveLoveeXx
  7. augesrob

    Flight 1.0.0

    Commands /fly description: Let you fly around the world permission: