
  1. FedFox

    Simple Nukkit Forms 1.1.0

    I'm not English, if you find a mistake, write to me! UK: The plugin allows you to create your own forms and display them to players. Command: /sformopen <form id> <player> To create a form you need to write the following code in the file: test: type: 'Simple' name: 'Test Form' content...
  2. M

    FormConstructor V2 2.0.1

    The current version of the FormConstructor plugin is 2.0.0. This version includes many API changes and improvements. You can read the full list of changes here: CHANGELOG 🤔 Introduction Library is designed to simplify the creation and handling of forms. It has a few key advantages over other...
  3. M

    FormCreator 1.2.0

    FormCreator Tool for easy creation of forms in Json file for Nukkit Dependencies FormConstructor GitHub: How to use Example form: example.json { "command": { "enable": true, "name": "example"...