
  1. S

    Is there a pokkit alternative?

    I have been wanting some bukkit plugins. Bukkit plugins do not work, except if you have pokkit, which does not work 99% of the time. Are there any alternatives to pokkit?
  2. S

    All these plugins and still no Lifesteal.

    Is there a specific reason this hasn't been made yet? I mean lifesteal was such a huge thing for awhile. I haven't been able to find any nukkit lifesteal plugins and using Pokkit no Bukkit or Spigot lifesteal plugins work. It'd be the best if it was made for the PM1E version of Nukkit haha.
  3. PetteriM1

    Experimental Pokkit 0.11.2

    This plugin is still in development. Please report bugs here: https://github.com/PetteriM1/Pokkit/issues and remember to include full stack trace in case of an error! For Bukkit/Spigot 1.13.2 compatible plugins. Pokkit allows you to run some Minecraft Java edition plugins written for...