
  1. Criex1337

    Experimental Prefix Display Name 1.0

    A simple plugin to display the Multipass prefix before your nickname. If you have any bugs, you can write here: [email protected] Example:
  2. RoidiRZMC

    Experimental OSPrefix 1.0

    OsPrefix is a Nukkit plugin that displays a custom prefix next to players' names. It is compatible with all Minecraft platforms and will be highly customizable to suit your server's needs. We are excited to release future updates and make OsPrefix even better. Download it and give your community...
  3. augesrob

    Discontinued MultiChat 1.0.2

    Original author. If this is your resource, please contact a member of staff to claim it. Full Credit: fromgate MultiChat MultiChat plugin for Nukkit. This plugin is change chat format according to player's group. MultiChat created as companion for permissions plugin Multipass and will not...