
  1. LeonTenDev

    Experimental RankShopUI 0.0.5

    This plugin is in a Alpha-Phase! Supported Plugins: - LlamaEconomy (link) - EconomyAPI (link) - LuckPerms (link) - MultiPass (link) Permission: (Add this permission to a player and he can't buy ranks!) - rankshop.buy.not By the first start you see this message: ("§f[§4ALERT§f] | Please...
  2. _1984

    Rank Tag Plugin?

    I'm looking for a plugin or a way that I can setup ranks easily on my Nukkit server. Is there a way to assign someone a rank and put it right next to their username such as Hypixel does? Thanks, - Sherixn
  3. Y

    PrisonRankups 1.2

    Commands: /rankup or /ru /ptop Placeholders: %prisonrank% (shows players current rank) %prestige% (shows players prestige level) Depends on: EconomyAPI and PlaceholderAPI Configuration: There will be three files: players.yml messages.yml ranks.yml messages is WIP but you can change the...