
  1. W

    Experimental LiveWeather 1.5

    New Version COMING SOON Its recommended to run this plugin with minimal 4 cores Its driven by the OpenWeatherMap API Commands: /setcity > Set your city /whatsmyweather > Checks your current weather /changecity > Change your city /deletecity > Delete your city Newest Version...
  2. PetteriM1

    Snow 2.2.0

    With this small plugin you can make it snow in selected worlds on your Nukkit server. The new mode (Default in version 2.0 and newer): BiomeDefinitionListPacket is edited to set the biome temperatures lower to enable client side snowing. This temperature change effects all worlds. No permanent...
  3. augesrob

    AC-Essentials 1.0.1

    Commands / Permissions /heal: description: Recover your hearts permission: social.heal /eat: description: Recover your hunger permission: /healer: description: Completly heals all permission: social.healer /ext: description: Takes the fire away permission: social.ext /scc...
  4. augesrob

    TWControl 1.0.1

    TWControl Credit: CreeperFace and myself Coded for Nukkkit. Command: /Day Permission: Command: /night Permission: social.night Command: /sun Permission: social.sun Command: /rain Permission: social.rain NOT ENABLED YET Command: /timestop Permission: social.timestop Command...