

It does not help me, I did all the procedure indicated in the explanation and it has not done anything, look at the configuration I have, I do not know if I did something wrong. If they resolve me, I change my rating.

# config version, do not edit
configVersion: 4

# bot token
botToken: "Here put the Bottoken obviosly"
# Discord server chat channel id
channelId: "Here put the Channel ID obviosly "

# enable debug messages
debug: false

# set bot Playing ______ status, leave empty to disable
botStatus: "Jugando RolCraft"

# set text channel topic, leave empty to disable
channelTopic: "RolCraft"

# enable !playerlist command on Discord
playerListCommand: false
# enable !ip command on Discord
ipCommand: false
# server address to show in !ip command
serverIp: ""
# server port to show in !ip command
serverPort: "19149"

# enable join messages to Discord
joinMessages: true
# enable quit messages to Discord
quitMessages: true
# enable death messages to Discord
deathMessages: true
# enable server start messages to Discord
startMessages: true
# enable server stop messages to Discord
stopMessages: true

# enable Discord messages to Minecraft
enableDiscordToMinecraft: true
# enable Minecraft messages to Discord
enableMinecraftToDiscord: true
# show Discord messages also in console
enableMessagesToConsole: true

# prefix of discord commands
commandPrefix: "!"

# enable Discord console
discordConsole: true
# Discord server console channel id
consoleChannelId: ""
# role required to run console commands
consoleRole: ""

# formatting of Discord messages shown in game
discordToMinecraftChatFormatting: "NOT AVAILABLE YET"
# formatting of game messages shown in Discord
minecraftToDiscordChatFormatting: "NOT AVAILABLE YET"

# Discord messages over that length will be cut
maxMessageLength: 255
# allow massages sent by a bot to show in game
allowBotMessages: true
# enable spam filter (beta)
spamFilter: true

# translations
status_server_started: "**✅ Server started!**"
status_server_stopped: "**❌ Server stopped!**"
info_player_joined: "**➕ %player% joined the server**"
info_player_left: "**➖ %player% left the server**"
info_player_death: "**? %death_message%**"
command_playerlist_empty: "**No online players**"
command_playerlist_players: "Online players"
commands_ip_address: "Address:"
commands_ip_port: "Port:"
discord_prefix: "§f[§bDiscord%role%§f]"
err_no_perm: "Your role doesn't have permission to run console commands"



Resource Mod
Staff member
It does not help me, I did all the procedure indicated in the explanation and it has not done anything, look at the configuration I have, I do not know if I did something wrong. If they resolve me, I change my rating.

# config version, do not edit
configVersion: 4

# bot token
botToken: "Here put the Bottoken obviosly"
# Discord server chat channel id
channelId: "Here put the Channel ID obviosly "

# enable debug messages
debug: false

# set bot Playing ______ status, leave empty to disable
botStatus: "Jugando RolCraft"

# set text channel topic, leave empty to disable
channelTopic: "RolCraft"

# enable !playerlist command on Discord
playerListCommand: false
# enable !ip command on Discord
ipCommand: false
# server address to show in !ip command
serverIp: ""
# server port to show in !ip command
serverPort: "19149"

# enable join messages to Discord
joinMessages: true
# enable quit messages to Discord
quitMessages: true
# enable death messages to Discord
deathMessages: true
# enable server start messages to Discord
startMessages: true
# enable server stop messages to Discord
stopMessages: true

# enable Discord messages to Minecraft
enableDiscordToMinecraft: true
# enable Minecraft messages to Discord
enableMinecraftToDiscord: true
# show Discord messages also in console
enableMessagesToConsole: true

# prefix of discord commands
commandPrefix: "!"

# enable Discord console
discordConsole: true
# Discord server console channel id
consoleChannelId: ""
# role required to run console commands
consoleRole: ""

# formatting of Discord messages shown in game
discordToMinecraftChatFormatting: "NOT AVAILABLE YET"
# formatting of game messages shown in Discord
minecraftToDiscordChatFormatting: "NOT AVAILABLE YET"

# Discord messages over that length will be cut
maxMessageLength: 255
# allow massages sent by a bot to show in game
allowBotMessages: true
# enable spam filter (beta)
spamFilter: true

# translations
status_server_started: "**✅ Server started!**"
status_server_stopped: "**❌ Server stopped!**"
info_player_joined: "**➕ %player% joined the server**"
info_player_left: "**➖ %player% left the server**"
info_player_death: "**? %death_message%**"
command_playerlist_empty: "**No online players**"
command_playerlist_players: "Online players"
commands_ip_address: "Address:"
commands_ip_port: "Port:"
discord_prefix: "§f[§bDiscord%role%§f]"
err_no_perm: "Your role doesn't have permission to run console commands"
Don't expect good support after giving something the rating "terrible"
Anyways I can give you a tip to check your bot's permissions on the server and use the debug mode to find the problem


Don't expect good support after giving something the rating "terrible"
Anyways I can give you a tip to check your bot's permissions on the server and use the debug mode to find the problem
I can change the rating with all the pleasure in the world, but help me with this problem