Hi, I gave myself vip then I went to log then I got a thing not sure what it is, but please look into it :
7:40 [INFO ] Enabling KotlinLib v1.3.72
> 18:27:40 [INFO ] Enabling EssentialsNK v1.9.2
> 18:27:40 [INFO ] [EssentialsNK] EssentialsNK Loaded!
> 18:27:40 [INFO ] Enabling NPCRotation v1.0
> 18:27:40 [INFO ] [NPCRotation] NPC Rotation enabled.
> 18:27:40 [INFO ] Enabling ColorMatch v3.1.4
> 18:27:40 [INFO ] [CM] Loading arenas...
> 18:27:40 [INFO ] [CM] cm1 - load successful
> 18:27:40 [INFO ] [CM] arena3 - load successful
> 18:27:40 [INFO ] [CM] arena4 - load successful
> 18:27:40 [INFO ] [CM] cm2 - load successful
> 18:27:40 [INFO ] [CM] arena5 - load successful
> 18:27:40 [INFO ] [CM] arena1 - load successful
> 18:27:40 [INFO ] [CM] arena2 - load successful
> 18:27:41 [INFO ] [CONSOLE: Reload complete.]
> 18:27:41 [INFO ] [HMVIP]VIP has a new version!
> help=> 18:28:10 [INFO ] --- Showing help page 1 of 1 (/help <page>) ---
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /back: Teleport to your previous location
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /ban: Prevents the specified player from using this server
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /ban-ip: Prevents the specified IP address from using this server
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /banlist: View all players banned from this server
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /break: Breaks the block you're looking at
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /broadcast: Broadcast a message
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /burn: Set a player on fire
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /callpet: Call your pet
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /clearinventory: Clear your or other's inventory
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /colormatch: Main ColorMatch command
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /compass: Display your current bearing direction
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /debugpaste: Uploads server information to Hastebin
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /defaultgamemode: Set the default gamemode
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /delhome: Remove a home
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /delwarp: Remove a warp
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /deop: Takes the specified player's operator status
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /depth: Display your depth related to sea-level
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /difficulty: Sets the game difficulty
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /effect: Adds/Removes effects on players
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /enchant: Adds enchantments on items
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /essentials: commands.essentials.description
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /extinguish: Extinguish a player
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /feed: Satisfy player's hunger
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /fly: Switch a player's flying mode
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /gamemode: Change player's gamemode
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /gamerule: Sets or queries a game rule value
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /gc: Fires garbage collection tasks
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /getpos: Get your or other's position
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /give: Gives the specified player a certain amount of items
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /heal: Heal yourself or other player
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /help: Shows the help menu
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /hologram:
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /home: Teleport to your home
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /ignore: Ignore all messages from a specified player
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /itemdb: Display the information attached to the item you're holding
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /jump: Teleport you to the block you're looking at
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /kick: Removes the specified player from the server
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /kickall: Kick all the players
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /kill: Commit suicide or kill other players
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /lightning: Strike a lightning!
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /list: Lists all online players
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /me: Performs the specified action in chat
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /message: Send a private message to the specified player
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /more: Get a stack of the item you're holding
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /mute: Mute or unmute a player
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /npc: NPC command
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /op: Gives the specified player operator status
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /pardon: Allows the specified player to use this server
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /pardon-ip: Allows the specified IP address to use this server
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /particle: Adds particles to a world
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /pet: Pets command
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /ping: Ping!
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /plugins: Gets a list of plugins running on the server
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /realname: Check the realname of a player
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /reload: Reloads the server configuration and plugins
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /rename: Rename the item you're holding
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /repair: Repair the item you're holding
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /reply: Reply to the last player to message you
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /save-all: Saves the server to disk
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /save-off: Disables server autosaving
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /save-on: Enables server autosaving
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /say: Broadcasts the given message as the sender
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /seed: Shows the world seed
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /setspawn: Change your server main spawn point
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /setwarp: Create or update a warp position
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /setworldspawn: Sets a worlds's spawn point. If no coordinates are specified, the player's coordinates will be used.
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /spawn: Teleport to server's main spawn
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /spawnpoint: Sets a player's spawn point
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /speed: Change player's speed
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /status: Reads back the server's performance.
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /stop: Stops the server
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /sudo: Run a command as another player
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /tell: Sends a private message to the given player
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /time: Changes the time on each world
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /timings: Records timings to see performance of the server.
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /title: Sends a title to the specified player or modifies title settings for that player
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /tntrun: TNTRun
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /top: Teleport to the highest block above you
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /tp: Teleports the given player (or yourself) to another player or coordinates
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /tpa: Send a teleport request to a player
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /tpaall: Send a teleport request to all the players to teleport them to you
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /tpaccept: Accept a teleport request
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /tpahere: Send a teleport request to a player to teleport him to you
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /tpall: Teleport all the players to you or another player
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /tpdeny: Deny a teleport request
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /tphere: Teleport a player to you
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /vanish: Switch a player's vanish mode
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /version: Gets the version of this server including any plugins in use
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /vip:
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /warp: Teleport to a warp
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /weather: Sets the weather in current world
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /whitelist: Manages the list of players allowed to use this server
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /whois: commands.whois.description
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /world: Teleport between worlds
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /wtpui:
> 18:28:10 [INFO ] /xp: Gives the specified player a certain amount of experience
> vip help=> 18:31:54 [INFO ] /vip help - show this message.
> 18:31:54 [INFO ] /vip give <player> <vip> <int:day> - give vip.
> 18:31:54 [INFO ] /vip key <String:key> - use key.
> 18:31:54 [INFO ] /vip createkey <int:number> <vip> - File:/vip file.
> 18:31:54 [INFO ] /vip clear <player> <vip> - clear player vip.
> 18:31:54 [INFO ] /vip file [open] - show key.txt file.
> 18:31:54 [INFO ] /vip reload - reload config.
> 18:34:37 [INFO ] DarkLord063[/] logged in with entity id 42 at (MainHub, -233.1793, 4.0, -50.9846)
> 18:34:37 [INFO ] DarkLord063 joined the game
> 18:34:49 [INFO ] DarkLord063 left the game
> 18:34:49 [INFO ] DarkLord063[/] logged out due to timeout
> 18:36:55 [INFO ] DarkLord063[/] logged in with entity id 53 at (MainHub, -233.1793, 4.0, -50.9846)
> 18:36:55 [INFO ] DarkLord063 joined the game
> 18:38:09 [INFO ] DarkLord063 left the game
> 18:38:09 [INFO ] DarkLord063[/] logged out due to timeout
> 18:38:22 [INFO ] DarkLord063[/] logged in with entity id 64 at (MainHub, -254.4232, 4.0, -53.7423)
> 18:38:23 [INFO ] DarkLord063 joined the game
> 18:39:15 [INFO ] Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands
> 18:39:15 [INFO ] [HM-VIP/INFO] new today: DarkLord063
> 18:39:30 [INFO ] <DarkLord063> hi
> 18:42:38 [INFO ] <DarkLord063> hi
> java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/container/plugins/HMVIP/key.txt (No such file or directory)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open(FileInputStream.java:195)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:138)
at java.io.FileReader.<init>(FileReader.java:72)
at com.huanmeng.plugins.nukkit.hmvip.Key.getkey(Key.java:22)
at com.huanmeng.plugins.nukkit.hmvip.VIPCommand.execute(VIPCommand.java:136)
at cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:257)
at cn.nukkit.Server.dispatchCommand(Server.java:759)
at cn.nukkit.Player.handleDataPacket(Player.java:2797)
at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1257)
at cn.nukkit.network.Network.processPackets(Network.java:197)
at cn.nukkit.network.Network.processBatch(Network.java:180)
at cn.nukkit.Player.handleDataPacket(Player.java:2100)
at cn.nukkit.network.RakNetInterface.handleEncapsulated(RakNetInterface.java:157)
at cn.nukkit.raknet.server.ServerHandler.handlePacket(ServerHandler.java:132)
at cn.nukkit.network.RakNetInterface.process(RakNetInterface.java:66)
at cn.nukkit.network.Network.processInterfaces(Network.java:83)
at cn.nukkit.Server.tick(Server.java:1132)
at cn.nukkit.Server.tickProcessor(Server.java:911)
at cn.nukkit.Server.start(Server.java:888)
at cn.nukkit.Server.<init>(Server.java:573)
at cn.nukkit.Nukkit.main(Nukkit.java:112)
18:42:57 [INFO ] <DarkLord063> hi
> 18:43:28 [INFO ] Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands
> 18:43:28 [INFO ] [HM-VIP/INFO] new 1: DarkLord063
> 18:44:17 [INFO ] [Server] Player: DarkLord063 get a VIP
> 18:44:17 [INFO ] [HM-VIP/INFO] new vip: DarkLord063
> 18:44:23 [INFO ] <DarkLord063> hi
> java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/container/plugins/HMVIP/key.txt (No such file or directory)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open(FileInputStream.java:195)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:138)
at java.io.FileReader.<init>(FileReader.java:72)
at com.huanmeng.plugins.nukkit.hmvip.Key.getkey(Key.java:22)
at com.huanmeng.plugins.nukkit.hmvip.VIPCommand.execute(VIPCommand.java:136)
at cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:257)
at cn.nukkit.Server.dispatchCommand(Server.java:759)
at cn.nukkit.Player.handleDataPacket(Player.java:2797)
at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1257)
at cn.nukkit.network.Network.processPackets(Network.java:197)
at cn.nukkit.network.Network.processBatch(Network.java:180)
at cn.nukkit.Player.handleDataPacket(Player.java:2100)
at cn.nukkit.network.RakNetInterface.handleEncapsulated(RakNetInterface.java:157)
at cn.nukkit.raknet.server.ServerHandler.handlePacket(ServerHandler.java:132)
at cn.nukkit.network.RakNetInterface.process(RakNetInterface.java:66)
at cn.nukkit.network.Network.processInterfaces(Network.java:83)
at cn.nukkit.Server.tick(Server.java:1132)
at cn.nukkit.Server.tickProcessor(Server.java:911)
at cn.nukkit.Server.start(Server.java:888)
at cn.nukkit.Server.<init>(Server.java:573)
at cn.nukkit.Nukkit.main(Nukkit.java:112)
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/container/plugins/HMVIP/key.txt (No such file or directory)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open(FileInputStream.java:195)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:138)
at java.io.FileReader.<init>(FileReader.java:72)
at com.huanmeng.plugins.nukkit.hmvip.Key.getkey(Key.java:22)
at com.huanmeng.plugins.nukkit.hmvip.VIPCommand.execute(VIPCommand.java:136)
at cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:257)
at cn.nukkit.Server.dispatchCommand(Server.java:759)
at cn.nukkit.Player.handleDataPacket(Player.java:2797)
at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(ArrayList.java:1257)
at cn.nukkit.network.Network.processPackets(Network.java:197)
at cn.nukkit.network.Network.processBatch(Network.java:180)
at cn.nukkit.Player.handleDataPacket(Player.java:2100)
at cn.nukkit.network.RakNetInterface.handleEncapsulated(RakNetInterface.java:157)
at cn.nukkit.raknet.server.ServerHandler.handlePacket(ServerHandler.java:132)
at cn.nukkit.network.RakNetInterface.process(RakNetInterface.java:66)
at cn.nukkit.network.Network.processInterfaces(Network.java:83)
at cn.nukkit.Server.tick(Server.java:1132)
at cn.nukkit.Server.tickProcessor(Server.java:911)
at cn.nukkit.Server.start(Server.java:888)
at cn.nukkit.Server.<init>(Server.java:573)
at cn.nukkit.Nukkit.main(Nukkit.java:112)
Not sure what is is but can you make it so that there stands [VIP] in front of their name, thanks.