Mytp - Portable delivery system with GUI support

Mytp - Portable delivery system with GUI support 1.1.8Preview5Fixed6

Bric Root

Bric Root submitted a new resource:

Mytp - Portable delivery system with GUI support - This will be your longest used plug-in

Plug in function
Death point transmission, forced return to the main city mechanism (can be closed), personal regeneration point setting (gold coin price can be set)World transport system (with white list mechanism)Public transfer point system (you can set whether it is open or not, and create, manage and delete GUI interfaces for you)Home system (you can set the price of gold coins and create and delete GUI interfaces)Delivery system - inherits the functions of...
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Bric Root

Bric Root updated Mytp - Portable delivery system with GUI support with a new update entry:


Fixed the problem of infinite loop if there is no safe point in the possessive lattice of a coordinate. Now there is a chance that the transmission will fail (i.e. it is not a safe place)Fixed the bug that the hell transmission will be transmitted above the bedrock, and fixed the bug that the y-axis coordinate of hell transmission is lower than 32, resulting in a very high probability of being burned by magma
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