Recent content by Kaito

  1. Kaito

    Waterdog Plugins 1.0.0

    Since the developers of Waterdog apparently didn't come up with the idea of putting something like this into the software, I thought to myself: Why not do it myself? I'll do it for you, the community! Command: - /waterdogplugins [pluginname] or /wdpl [pluginname] Permission: -...
  2. Kaito

    Waterdog Plugins

    Kaito submitted a new resource: Waterdog Plugins - Displays all WaterdogPE plugins Read more about this resource...
  3. Kaito

    [Deleted] MOTD Changer

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  4. Kaito

    [Deleted] MOTD Changer

    Kaito submitted a new resource: MOTD Changer - Rotates the MOTD every 60 seconds to keep your server’s message fresh and engaging. Read more about this resource...