Admin Area Protection

Experimental Admin Area Protection 1.2.0

class org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger cannot be cast to class ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger (org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLogger is in unnamed module of loader 'app'; ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger is in unnamed module of loader cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginClassLoader @6bf08fe8)

If you are using NukkitMOT or another fork of nukkit, this plugin might not work. NukkitMOT currently has problems with this plugin in the gui, I am working on fixes but it is not my priority. Feel free to create a fork to support your versions.
AdminAreaProtection v1.2.0 Update Notes

New Features
  • Added 52 permission toggles across multiple categories (Building, Environment, Entity, Items, Technical, Special)
  • Implemented area beacon/potion effects system with 24 potion selections (up to level 10)
  • Added multi-language support (English and Russian)
  • Introduced player-specific permissions for finer access control
  • Added global area protection command for whole-world protection

  • Enhanced GUI forms for easier area management
  • Optimized SQLite database with connection pooling
  • Improved visualization system with particle effects
  • Added comprehensive debugging tools
  • Expanded command set with more management options

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed permission reset issue during area updates
  • Resolved cache invalidation problems
  • Fixed overlapping area priority conflicts
  • Corrected enter/exit title display timing
  • Fixed player bypass detection logic

Technical Changes
  • Implemented direct permission update methods
  • Added proper transaction boundaries for database operations
  • Improved error handling for all critical operations
  • Optimized cache management for better performance
  • Enhanced LuckPerms integration with group and track support
Plugin file size reduced to 69KB by removing SQLite dependency and creating base sql table in resources.
The new jar is now 4MB instead of 20MB and should work as expected.

Sorry for the inconvenience, to update please delete the old jar file and replace it with the new 1.0.1 version.

Thank you!