
LuckChat 1.0.9

〘⌬〙Update LuckChat to support PlaceholderAPI 1.4

〘⌬〙Update LuckPerms API to 5.4

Note: I will still not be actively developing this plugin. But will try to update to keep the plugin working at the bare minimum.
Fix ZChat migration
〘⌬〙Add better formatting
〘⌬〙Add async chat mode.
〘⌬〙Add support for both LuckPerms v4 and v5
〘⌬〙Do not update name tag if it's the same as before
〘⌬〙Added ability to upgrade to rewrite.
〘⌬〙Added new line characters support for who still wants to keep using the plugin.
〘⌬〙Added async NameTag update (add updateAsync: true/false under NameTag in config.yml if not added automatically)
〘⌬〙Some optimizations that I've blindly overlooked in the past.
〘⌬〙Fixed faction not working correctly with PlaceholderAPI enabled.

〘⌬〙Some tiny improvements.
〘⌬〙Added %device% placeholder
〘⌬〙Added %device% placeholder
〘⌬〙Fix placeholders
〘⌬〙Won't disable the plugin if it doesn't find PlaceholderAPI or Factions