Ultimate SkyWars

Ultimate SkyWars 1.5.7

The set spawn command don’t work . It gave me the stick caller wand but when I select the spawn it shows error in console (2021-01-22 12:26:15.784 [main] FATAL - Exception while invoking run
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory.setItem(int, cn.nukkit.item.Item)" because the return value of "cn.nukkit.Player.getInventory()" is null)
It's a great SkyWars. :)
Are there any plans to add additional language configuration files?
Now it work, nice job !!! It's a very nice minigame!!
At the last update it doesn't work, wrong plugin manager fix it for more star's
Thanks for the comment!, error fixed.
It's a great plugin but I would like to suggest per-world settings instead of needing a second server. 👀
It is very complicated to configure these things, so it is recommended to simplify the configuration method and use GUI menu to set them.
not bad but configuration is a bit tricky................
We'll try to simplify the configuration. It was mean to be powerfull but not so simple. Maybe we will get a different aproach with simpler but less powerfull config.