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  1. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit For Bedrock Edition 1.13.x

    Nukkit for Bedrock 1.13.x can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #523. As you may have noticed, this update took significantly longer than other updates due to the sheer quantity of changes and that our tools for updating relied mainly on Android builds which no longer have...
  2. SupremeMortal

    Become a Partner

    If you want to ask something like this, please private message staff instead of posting publicly.
  3. SupremeMortal

    [Deleted] [Premium] Test

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  4. SupremeMortal

    [Deleted] [Premium] Test

    SupremeMortal submitted a new resource: Test - Test Read more about this resource...
  5. SupremeMortal

    Why can't I connect to a Nukkit server using Minecraft from the Windows Store?

    Try following this guide:
  6. SupremeMortal


    The exception caused is not related to DBLib but the plugin.
  7. SupremeMortal


    Can you send your operating system and version please? @mymain838
  8. SupremeMortal

    Experimental LevelDB Viewer - LevelDB Viewer

    A Java program that allows you to view and edit key-value entries in a LevelDB database which is used in the Minecraft Bedrock world format. How to run: Install Java 8 or above. Double click on the jar file and the GUI should pop up.
  9. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit error

    I don't see anything wrong, only warnings which do not affect the server startup. I'm guessing from the native error you're running on an ARM device, maybe a Pi?
  10. SupremeMortal

    [Deleted] WorldPregenerator

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  11. SupremeMortal


    SupremeMortal updated EssentialsNK with a new update entry: Whois Command & Homes Limit Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. PetteriM1

    EssentialsNK - Whois Command & Homes Limit

    Whois command gives you a variety of information about a player online or offline. (Offline data is lacking right now but will be fixed in future updates). essentialsnk.whois permission allows players to view there own whois whilst essentialsnk.whois.other allows users to view other player's...
  13. SupremeMortal

    Can't connect to the server using a VPN

    It's because Bedrock uses UDP packets which can be split. I had a similar issue when using a VPN to test Nukkit with high latency. The workaround is to change some OpenVPN option but I can't remember what they are or where they come from, only that I searched for something to do with the "UDP...
  14. SupremeMortal


    SupremeMortal updated SkinChanger with a new update entry: Add auto-completion to command and API Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. SupremeMortal

    SkinChanger - Add auto-completion to command and API

    Adds auto-completion to command so you are able to see what skins are available and String[] getAvailableSkins() method to the SkinChanger class.
  16. SupremeMortal

    Nukkit for Bedrock Edition 1.12.0

    Nukkit for Bedrock 1.12.0 can now be found on our Jenkins CI starting from build #424. This update only contains protocol support with no new features implemented into Nukkit. If you find any bugs on the latest builds, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker unless they have already...
  17. SupremeMortal

    PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your banned-ips.json is likely broken. Maybe you incorrectly edited it?
  18. SupremeMortal

    Who can help me with FakeInventories?

    You don't create a new FakeInventories instance every time. The usage is shown in the readme:
  19. SupremeMortal


    SupremeMortal updated EssentialsNK with a new update entry: Fix Exception when player leaves Read the rest of this update entry...
  20. PetteriM1

    EssentialsNK - Fix Exception when player leaves

    When a player with a pending teleportation request would leave, a ConcurrentModificationException would be thrown. This is now fixed.