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    ID for Item

    Redstoneking18 submitted a new resource: ID for Item - This plugin adds the command /id and /i, along with permissions. Read more about this resource...
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    ID for Item - ID for Item

    With this plugin you can specify the command / ID of the block in your hand, and / i to copy the item in your hand 64 times. This plugin also supports permissions as other IDs plugins.
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    Hello... I would like to create a plugin with MySQL support. Which code do I have to insert to send a MySQL statement (%My statement%)? If I have a class called MySQlConnecton, and include the Connecor ( in Eclipse...
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    How does Nukkit manage permissions?

    Hello iAtomPlaza... I've already read your post, but I don't understand why you want to do it anyway. I would recommend you to use the LP Api. If you want to do it in Commands, I would intercept the command, find out what permission the command needs, check the Config to see if the player has...
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    Is it possible to create an animated BossBar like bukkit and spigot?

    Hello... I'd do it with a repeat loop and a sleep in between. Like this: Player player; while (true) { Player.setbossbar("Text1"); time.sleep(3000); Player.setbossbar("Text2"); Time.sleep(3000); Player.setbossbar("Text3"); Time.sleep(3000); } I hope I could help you, but beware the method...
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    How to make something like nukkit?

    Thanks also from me, developer of Nukkit. How can you help programming Nukkit?
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    How does Nukkit manage permissions?

    Benutze einfach LP, das kann alles. Warum selbst etwas programmieren, das es schon gibt?
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    Hello... Could someone help me, since for some reason I can't get SynapsePM working. Greetings Redstoneking18
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    Nemisys 1.14 Update

    Hello...When will Nemisys be updated, and can I help? If so how? Love Redstoneking18