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  1. Trollhunters501

    Plugin SkyWar Nukkit!!

    Oki muchas gracias!!
  2. Trollhunters501

    Plugin SkyWar Nukkit!!

    Claro muchas gracias por favor si puedes enviarmelo aquí o en discord porfa donde te parezca más fácil Mi discord es @Trollhunters501
  3. Trollhunters501

    Plugin SkyWar Nukkit!!

    Yo hablo español es mejor para mí xd Y muchas gracias por actualizar el plugin 😃
  4. Trollhunters501

    Plugin SkyWar Nukkit!!

    Thank you! Also please send me the .jar file please 🥺
  5. Trollhunters501

    NPC Rotation

    Trollhunters501 submitted a new resource: NPC Rotation - You have rotated the Npc or slappers! Read more about this resource...
  6. Trollhunters501

    NPC Rotation 1.1.0

    ⚠️⚠️This plugin is not mine!⚠️⚠️ I republished this since the original was removed but here it is and it is fully functional since I tried it! Required plugins: Info: Just install both plugins and voila! This will make the Npc's look at you!
  7. Trollhunters501

    Experimental ModLoader Tools - Add Class Loader

    Now you can load Libraries, Packages in ModLoader!
  8. Trollhunters501

    ModLoader Tools

    Trollhunters501 updated ModLoader Tools with a new update entry: Add Class Loader Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Trollhunters501

    ModLoader Tools

    Trollhunters501 updated ModLoader Tools with a new update entry: Update Fetch Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. Trollhunters501

    Experimental ModLoader Tools - Update Fetch

    The fetch API was updated for more info see the fetch source code
  11. Trollhunters501

    Plugin SkyWar Nukkit!!

    If you can compile please send me the jar file
  12. Trollhunters501

    Plugin SkyWar Nukkit!!

    I found one but no one wants to compile it, it's from 1.14 I think it works on PetteriM1's nukkit or maybe it still works
  13. Trollhunters501


  14. Trollhunters501


  15. Trollhunters501

    Experimental ModLoader Tools - Add Fetch API

    Added a Fetch API! What exists in The Browser!
  16. Trollhunters501

    ModLoader Tools

    Trollhunters501 updated ModLoader Tools with a new update entry: Add Fetch API Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. Trollhunters501

    TopVoters 1.0.1

    Required Plugin: How to install: Just put the ZIP file in JSEngineNK folder and unzip the zip after I deleted the zip file How to use: First when you start for the first time with the plugin you need to turn the server on and off again and then...
  18. Trollhunters501


    Trollhunters501 submitted a new resource: LlamaVote Extra - Add more things to the LlamaVote Plugin! Read more about this resource...
  19. Trollhunters501

    how convert pocketmine world to nukkit

    What doesn't Pocketmine use leveldb? The anvil and mcregion format I think nukkit already has it by default I don't understand why it doesn't work