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  1. S

    Bad world generation

    I only yesterday saw that the Nukkit world generation isn't so great, I got broken textures, unfinished biomes, and boy, dont even ask me about the nether, that was horrible!! Have this happened to anyone else? I hope they fix it because Nukkit can really become something big!!
  2. S

    changing block type

    Thanks! the cancel event and then place works! thank you!
  3. S

    changing block type

    It still doesn't work code: @EventHandler public void onPlace(BlockPlaceEvent e) { Block placed = e.getBlock(); placed.getLevel().setBlockAt(placed, Block.STONE); } error: The method setBlockAt(int, int, int, int) in the type ChunkManager is...
  4. S

    [sorry this will be my last for a while] giving entities armor and ItemDamageEvent

    ok, this will be my last for a while, I just wanna know, I tried @EventHandler public void GiveEntityArmor(EntityDamageEvent e){ Entity ent = e.getEntity(); if (!(ent instanceof Player)){ // I tried stuff like ent.getInventory and getArmor and stuff but it doesn't work, thank you!! } } last, Is...
  5. S

    Get nearby entities

  6. S

    Get nearby entities

    Hi everyone again, sorry for posting AGAIN!! I just want to know is there a way to get nearby entities like in bukkit? In bukkit it is p.getNearbyEntities(4, 4, 4).forEach(e -> { //code here }); I cant find a way on Nukkit? Thank you!!
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    changing block type

    Ok thank you I'll try it, dont worry about the time thing, i replied just before going to bed hoping I could get a reply the next morning, I live in GMT+2 (South africa)😅
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    changing block type

    I tried it, it didnt work? I said: int pX = (int) placed.getX(); int pY = (int) placed.getY(); int pZ = (int) placed.getZ(); placed.getLevel().setBlockAt(pX, pY, pZ, 1); // 1 is id for stone It doesn't work?
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    changing block type

    Thank you!!!!
  10. S

    changing block type

    is there anyway to change the type of a block for example @EventHandler public void onPlace(BlockPlaceEvent e){ Block placed = e.getBlock(); placed. ?? } nothing works, I used to make Bukkit plugins but cant fin
  11. S

    Making Nukkit Plugin in Android

    or get JavaN - IDE
  12. S

    Making Nukkit Plugin in Android

    get QuickEdit text editor, make folders and text files in right place, and you can edit them in it, you'll just need a compiler, you can try making the text and everything, and then convert folder to zip and then to .jar
  13. S

    get entity from creature spawn event

    Hey guys, sorry for asking again, i am now Trying to use creature spawn event, let me show you: @EventHandler public void onSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent e){ Entity ent = e.getEntityType(); if (ent instanceof Zombie){ } } it says operator types isn't correct which I understand, but how can I match...
  14. S

    Nukkit 2.0 Alpha

    Thank you kind man!!!!
  15. S

    Nukkit 2.0 Alpha

    Hey everyone, Does anyone know where I can get Nukkit 2.0 alpha, I downloaded it a few days ago, but accidentally deleted it, When I try to download it now it gives me error 404, not found, it has more features than Nukkit 1.0 snapshot. Thanks!
  16. S

    How to get the world?

    wait you wanna cancel the chat event if they are NOT whitelisted?
  17. S

    Changing block

    Hey people of Nukkit, I just started making Nukkit plugins, I know Java, I've also created Alot of bukkit plugins, But I now have a problem changing a block type, I tried Block b = p.getTargetBlock(50); //this works and then I tried stuff like b.setType and stuff but it doesn't recognize it, do...